On June 10, 2018, REHMANN Schokolade has discontinued the production and sale of cocoa specialities. Our chocolate courses and the associated sales of materials and equipment will continue. Please see the news entry in the right column for more information.



About THIMBLES and SWISS Bean to Bar ...

REHMANN produces exciting cocoa specialties with unusual stories about people and raw materials.

Our THIMBLES - a creation of dark chocolate and an olive oil of early mature green olives - will enchant you. Travel with us to distant countries. We will let you experience cocoa from all over the world with our chocolate bars. From raw cocoa to an elegantly packaged chocolate bar, we cover all processes of the production. In an elaborate process, the cocoa is painstakingly cleaned, roasted, broken, winnowed and grinded, and finally conched with passion and care for many hours. This makes us one of the few small companies in Switzerland and Europe to produce artisan chocolate in our manufactury and on a small scale.


Give more than just chocolate; Give handcrafted in chocolate, give cocoa to encounter.


  • Cacao
  • Zuckerrohr
  • Vanilie

In der Herstellung von edlen Couverturen spielen 3 Rohstoffe eine Hauptrolle. Der Rohstoff unserer Begierde ist Kakao. Die Frucht aus den Tropen verzückt uns nach einem aufwändigen Herstellprozess. Ernten, Fermentieren, Rösten, Brechen, Schälen, Reiben und Conchieren sind die wichtigsten Stichworte.

Nach Zucker verlangt jede Faser unseres Körpers, täglich, stündlich, in jedem Augenblick...

Vanille würzt die Couverture, rundet ab und ergänzt diskret. Verwendet wird nur natürliche Vanille. Vanillin oder anderes synthetisches Teufelszeug wollen wir in keiner Zutatenliste lesen.